Thursday, July 26, 2007

Ms. Merchant Account?

********** Sponsored Post **********

Ms. Mercant Account is a credit card processing merchant bank service. They conveniently serve their customers, whether it be an online business, retail shop, restaurant or offshore merchant. They provide the kind of service your clients need, allowing them to pay with most of the major credit cards, accept Visa / Mastercard, American Express and Discover. They work with all business sizes and will secure the possible lowest rate for credit card processing. They have experience with working with well-established businesses, and will have a solution for your credit card processing companies or needs. Whether you are looking to set up a basic merchant account or overseas transactions, they can help.

Business owners cannot afford to lose sales because they lack the ability to process credit cards. Every corporation from small to large will benefit from their services. They take pride in helping businesses to get off to a successful start. They offer low transaction rates and will help companies looking to transfer to a new merchant service provider. Their service includes the ability to accept all major credit cards, and other popular forms of credit. They believe that your merchant account will be unique and they have flexible account options to meet your needs.

Ms. Merchant Account allows retail stores to enjoy the lowest rates. The reason for this is because they can process all credit card transactions in person, swiping their credit card and obtaining a signature for their records. Businesses like grocery stores, department stores, toy stores, etc. experience a low rate of charge backs. Companies like adult entertainment, online shopping, travel agencies, etc. are considered "high risk" businesses and face high transaction fees. Ms. Merchant Account helps you investigate offshore credit card processing options. Offshore merchant accounts will work for your business, making credit card processing more accessible. Ms. Merchant Account works with only the most reputable international credit card processing agents. Just visit for all the details.

Friday, July 06, 2007

5 Lesser-Known Online Business Ideas

1. Ask people to find a hidden link in your ad copy.
If they find the hidden link tell them they will get a prize or freebie by clicking on it. This will increase the chance that they will buy your product or service because they will read your whole ad copy.

2. Start a members only web site.
Tell visitors what's in your members only site and what it costs to get access. Offer them a free membership, if, in exchange they link to your web site, post your banner on their home page or agree to advertise your web site in their e-zine for a set period of time. Usually they will agree to the free advertising to save money. This is a powerful way to get free advertising.

3. Want a popular discussion board?
This technique is based on the number of postings made by any one person. You could give away a free product or service to any person that posts ten or more messages on your discussion in a month. It could be a free e-book, report, e-mail consulting etc. Just keep track of everyone's postings each month. This could also work for e-mail discussion lists.

4. Give your visitors an instant article directory.
Tell your visitors they can instantly add a free article directory to their web site by linking to yours. Just place your ad or banner ad on top of the article directory for your main product or service. All those links can add up to a large amount of traffic for your web site.

5. There a millions of web sites on the internet.
Instead of marketing your web site as a web site. Market it as a free web book. Design your web site with a title page, table of contents, chapters, etc. Just place your ad or banner for your product or service on the top of each web page.

Internet Marketing Help

If you're looking for Internet marketing help you've come to the right place. Below you will find several tips to help you navigate your way through the mystifying world of promoting your website and e-commerce business.

#1: Surveys:
To find out what your customer thinks of your site try using a survey. A little constructive criticism can go a long way in helping you build a quality site that people are eager to visit and refer others to visit. There are very few other ways to find out what your customer really thinks, wants and needs besides a survey. If you're concerned that people won't take the time to complete a survey you can always entice them with something for free in exchange for completing the survey or even adding their name to a pool for a giveaway.

#2: Guestbook:
Members of your target audience that are skeptical by nature want some reassurance that you're who you say you are and that your product or service really delivers. Adding a guestbook to your site can help to reassure your customer by providing comments from others who visited your site, found something useful and were satisfied. If you are concerned that you might end up with rude or vulgar comments that hurt your reputation more than help, it is very easy to add a guestbook that allows you to preview any comments before they are posted. With this type of guestbook you have the control over whether to delete a comment or allow it to be inserted on your site. One bad apple doesn't have to spoil the basket.

#3: Coupons:
There is a significant portion of your target audience that are coupon clippers. No matter who they are, you can bet some of them can't wait to get the newspaper and start clipping away. While this ploy won't work for everyone, there are some people who can't resist the lure of a bargain; saving a percentage off the regular price of a product or service. They will be more than happy to visit your site once a week to find out how much money they can save with the coupons you offer. If you're concerned about taking a piece out of your profit try combining offers. Two for one or 10% with a minimum purchase gives you the flexibility of still offering a valuable coupon to the customer while making sure your profits don't take a dip.