Thursday, April 02, 2009

7 key points to make money online

There are many ways to make money online and many people have differing opinions on the best ways to go about it but like everyone else I have my own opinions and they are as follows-

Sell product

If you sell a product, especially your own product, you will be well ahead of the game and the opportunities that will be open to you to make money will be immense. Many people are put off when it comes to developing their own product but most of the time the thought is worse than the reality. There are many products that you could develop from ebooks to videos and in some cases software, it it just a case of deciding what you are going to do and just getting on with it.

Generate subscribers

One of the most profitable methods of making money online is by generating subscribers to your mailing list. It is always a good idea to have an email capture form on your website where interested visitors can leave their details in order to receive information from you further down the line. It is often worth offering a free report in return for leaving the details and by doing this you will find that your subscriber list will grow very quickly.

Recruit active affiliates

By recruiting active affiliates you will find yourself in the enviable position of having people selling your product for you around the clock. Unfortunately many people don't like the idea of giving some of their profits away to affiliates but this is a massive mistake.. Even if you were to give 50% commissions to your affiliates for a downloadable ebook for example you will still make more money with affiliates than without them, and a great deal more money at that.

Generate targeted traffic

By generating targeted traffic I mean getting traffic to your site who are especially interested in whatever you are selling. There are a number of ways that you can do this such as Google Adwords but I much prefer free traffic and this can be achieved through articles, Twitter, forum posts and many, many more ways.

Generate links

It is a great idea to generate links to your websites and there are a number of ways to do this. Writing articles and submitting them to the article directories is one of the most popular methods but even posting links back to your website on various forums can also have a positive effect. When the search engines see these links they follow them back to your site which in turn will see you rise in the search engine results.

Create product

There are many ways to create a product from writing a simple ebook to producing a set of informative videos. There are a great many tools available to you online which will make this process far more effective. For example it is extremely effective to have screen shots in an ebook and the tools do this are freely available online or even on your computer, if you are interested in making a simple How To video course you can get a free 30 day trial of camtasia which is ideal for something like that.

Build your network

Finally, build your network. Putting in place a network of systems to sell your product is vitally important and will guarantee that sales will be sustained for the long term. You may have a group of affiliates selling your product, sales from search engine traffic, sales from forum posts and activities like WSO's on the warrior forum. You are not depending on any one method so if there is a problem in one area it will not be the end of the world.